Privacy Policy


    World Miner is a cryptocurrency AI mining platform. Please take the time to read this Privacy Policy carefully. Contact our support team if you have questions about this Privacy Policy.


    This Privacy Policy applies to all sites under the World Miner domain and the brand. If a client does not agree or accept any of the aspects of this Privacy Policy, the client must not access or create an account on World Miner. By accessing and using World Miner's services, the client signifies acceptance of the terms of this Privacy Policy. Where World Miner requires a client’s consent to process their personal information, World Miner will ask for the client's consent to collect, use, and disclose their data.


    World Miner may, from time to time, amend this Privacy Policy. When the Privacy Policy is amended, World Miner will modify the date listed on the Agreement or notify clients of changes to the Privacy Policy via email or using a notice on our Services prior to the amendments becoming effective. World Miner's Privacy Policy is reviewed regularly to ensure continuous compliance with regulations, changes to business operations and practices are taken into consideration, and changes to technologies. All client information held will be governed by World Miner's most recent Privacy Policy


    Please note that the information listed above might not be collected at once. World Miner will automatically collect the following non-personal information about each client: a) Location - IP address, referral website, login information, browser type, time zone, browser plug-in types and versions, operating system, and platform.  b) Log Information - This information is generated through the client's use of World Miner's services. This includes device information, location information, system activity, and internal information related to pages visited on the World Miner website, including the full Uniform Resource Locators (URL), date and time of visit, page response times, length of visit on each page, page interaction information (clicks, scrolling, and mouse-overs) and downloads errors.  c) World Miner may, through third-party service providers, receive the following information:  d) Anonymized or DE-identified information about the client indicating how they found World Miner's website from advertising, analytics, and search information providers.  e) Client background check information provided by identity verification companies to allow World Miner to analyze the client's digital identity for KYC on-boarding, AML, sanctions screening, transaction monitoring, and fraud prevention.


    World Miner aims to provide each client with a secure, efficient, and personalized experience by collecting client information. World Miner will only use and disclose each client's information as follows: a) Provide each client with an efficient, secure, and more personalized experience by analyzing client website usage and associated statistics. This will aid World Miner in further enhancing the website’s layout, content, and overall services. b) Provide each client with relevant notices and communication regarding their use of World Miner's services.  c) To execute client trades related to order fulfillment, trade settlement, and currency receipt and distribution. d) Enforce World Miner's Compliance and User Agreements which each client has agreed to be bound by either in writing or using World Miner's services or otherwise outlined in this Privacy Policy. World Miner will not use or sell client information to profit organizations or non-profits. World Miner may disclose client information as and when required by regulators or by law to comply with any judicial process, court orders, subpoenas, or any other relevant regulatory authority. World Miner does this to comply with its legal obligations, investigate fraud, and protect its clients and our client's interests. If World Miner changes its products or services, or laws, clients might be notified of such changes. World Miner might have to process a client's personal information to send such notifications. Clients will continue to receive such information even when they have opted not to receive direct marketing information from World Miner.


    World Miner's operations are supported by a network of computers, servers, and other information technology infrastructure, including third-party service providers. By providing their information to World Miner, a client consents to transfer and store their information on third-party servers. World Miner may use third-party services to collect and store clients’ personal information.


    7.1. Your legal rights Under the provisions of the law, you are provided with the following rights concerning the processing of your data. To exercise your rights under the law, you may be required to authenticate yourself with adequate proof of identity. 7.2. Right to Enquire You have the right to request and obtain information on the personal data that we hold and the purpose for which it is held. 7.3. Right to Object You have the right to object to being contacted by us for direct marketing purposes. On receipt of such objection, we will ensure that you are removed from the relevant marketing databases, as applicable. To opt-out of receiving direct marketing communications, please contact us at any time through the contact form on the website or directly reply to the messages or ads. 7.4. Right to Demand Rectification, Blocking, or Erasure You may apply to a request to rectify, block, or erase your data if the processing thereof is done in contravention of the provisions of the law and if the information is incorrect, incomplete, or not updated, or if the processing thereof is illegal. 7.5. Right to Withdraw Consent You have the right to withdraw the consent provided at any time after giving consent. Withdrawal of consent will apply to future use of personal data. It will not in any way impact the legitimate use of personal information before withdrawing the consent. Withdrawal of consent to process certain mandatory personal data related to services provided by World Miner may result in our inability to continue providing those services. 7.6. Right to Complain You may submit a complaint to the Authority if you have reason to believe that any violation of the provisions of this privacy law has occurred or that we are processing personal data in contravention of its provisions.


    World Miner will, upon a client's request, close their account in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations and in accordance with its User Agreement. The client must not have any outstanding balance on their account to ensure closure. World Miner will retain and store a client's account, due diligence, personal information, and any other recorded information, whether electronically, by telephone, or otherwise, for ten years’ post-closure. This is done to abide by the regulations and to ensure that World Miner can fulfill any legal obligations that it has to comply with related to the law, fraud prevention, outstanding fee collection, dispute resolution, supporting investigations, and other actions required by the law and to enforce its User Agreement.


    Unless expressed otherwise in this Privacy Policy, this Policy only addresses the use and disclosure of client information provided to and collected by World Miner. If the client discloses information to other parties, be it partners of World Miner or other third parties, different privacy rules pertaining to the use and disclosure of information may apply. World Miner does not control the privacy policies of third parties, and clients will be subjected to such privacy policies where applicable. World Miner encourages its clients to review and familiarize themselves with the privacy policies of third parties.


    Subject to applicable laws and regulations, World Miner may, from time to time, send its clients direct marketing materials promoting its products, services, or activities using information collected from clients. World Miner will allow clients to opt-out of such direct marketing. World Miner may, from time to time, request permission from clients to share their personal information with third parties. Clients may opt-out of having their personal information shared with third parties and used for any purpose other than the data originally collected and obtained with client authorization. If a client chooses to limit the use of their personal information, certain features or services provided by World Miner might not be available to the client.


    World Miner follows accepted physical and electronic procedures to safeguard and secure clients’ personal and non-personal information. World Miner uses various security measures such as encryption, firewalls, penetration testing, and access controls to protect clients' information. World Miner's servers reside in maximum security vaults under 24/7 surveillance. Additionally, access to information is restricted to authorized employees and third parties that need to know the information to operate, develop, and improve World Miner's Services. No method of transmission over the internet or method of electronic storage is 100% safe, and consequently, World Miner cannot guarantee its absolute security.


    When clients engage with and use World Miner's products and services, tiny data files called cookies or other tracking tools (herein, "Cookies") may be placed on your computer or devices. World Miner may use cookies to help identify clients, remember their preferences, better customize services and content, and collect information about their computer or access devices to ensure compliance with AML and other obligations. Clients can reject cookies and still use World Miner, which may restrict their usage of World Miner's platform. World Miner's Privacy Policy does not cover the use of cookies by World Miner's partners and third parties.


    World Miner may need to use clients’ personal information to investigate issues and settle disputes with clients in a timely and orderly manner. Suppose an amicable resolution can be reached between World Miner and a client. In that case, World Miner will cooperate with the regulator and other relevant authorities to resolve issues related to the use or disclosure of client information. Any dispute or claim arising out of or relating to World Miner's Privacy Policy shall be settled according to the terms of the User Agreement.


    Digital Assets offered by World Miner will be recorded on a public blockchain and are not anonymous. Public blockchains are distributed ledgers intended to immutably record transactions across vast networks of computer systems. Because blockchains are decentralized networks, World Miner cannot erase, modify, or alter personal data from such networks. Through the utilization of third-party forensic and analytical software, others might be able to see the transaction history of any digital asset and collect and use clients’ non-personal information.


    If you have any questions, concerns, or comments about our Privacy Policy, you can get in touch by filling out our Form. Please be aware that any unsolicited information or communications you send will not be considered confidential or proprietary. We will not have any obligations concerning such under this Privacy Policy.

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